jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Models of different cultures

 There are a diversity of topics, problems and issues in which countries around the world differ. 
It is important to make these differences visible, so in the picture below you will see the model of different cultures which is composed of many aspects. Choose a culture and one of these aspects to comment on.

Before Traveling Around

More than just knowing about one country's culture, it is also important to be aware of the possible  difficulties you can face when traveling abroad. In the following video you will get familiar with some of the most common problems foreigners experience traveling around. Answer the following questions by adding a comment once you have watched the video :

  • What happens if you bring over any illegal drugs to another country?
  • What problem can people face regarding availability of medical treatment in other countries?
  • What are the consequences of working overseas to obtain some money when traveling?
  • What can you do to avoid facing one of these difficulties when traveling?

GoAnimate.es: Cultures+around+the+world by jahairaa87

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Learning about cultures

Culture is an integral part of every society. It is a learned pattern of behavior and ways in which a person lives his or her life. Each country has its own way of dressing, eating and behaving  so let´s take a Tour around the world to figure out what else we can learn before traveling to a different country.

Moving from one place to another

When moving to a different place or country foreigners meet with a new culture to which they may not get used at all. Foreing people experience a whole different way of looking at things, specially in issues such as food, behaviour and even in matters related to bathing and marriage. Find out in the video below what other things foreigners struggle with when moving to a new different place.
After watching the video, think about the different cultures exposed, in which way do they differ from your own culture?